Pre and Post Care

Pre and Post Care Before the treatment

Before the treatment

– 24 hours prior to your procedure, please avoid drinking alcohol, coffee, energy drinks, caffeinated soda, teas or herbs. This will help minimize any oozing/bleeding or swelling during and after the procedure.

– Please do not work out the day of the procedure.

– Gently exfoliate the skin on your brows 2 days before your appointment. This will help provide a clean canvas to work  on by removing any dead skin and result in better pigment insertion.

– Three days before your procedure, avoid taking Aspirin, Fish Oil, Niacin, Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen or blood thinners, unless medically necessary. Tylenol is fine.

– Avoid heavy sunlight, especially sunburn, three days before your procedure.

– No waxing, threading, or tinting within one week of your appointment.

– Three to four weeks before procedure, do not have any chemical peels, microdermabrasions, mesotherapy, botox, fillers, or any other intense treatments which will cause faster skin cell rejuvenating and cause skin irritation.

– You must be off Accutane or any prescribed acne medications for 1 year.

– You must be off Retin-A or Retinols 7 days prior to appointment.

– DO NOT USE growth enhancement products (such as Latisse, Revitabrow, Grande lash) one month prior.


After the treatment

Be sure to throughly watch your hands when handling your eyebrows!

Day 1-Day 7

3-6 hours after treatment, gently clean your eyebrows with bottle water or sterile water to remove  all lymph and  previously applied cream. Pat dry. Then apply a very thin layer of after cream.
Repeat this procedure 2-3 times a day for the first and second days .And from day3-day7 only use the dry Q-tips to do cleasing, do not wipe your eyebrows, just gently Tapping on eyebrows.Then apply a very thin layer of after cream.

Day 8 completed peeling

Just use the dry Q-tips to do cleasing, do not wipe your eyebrows ,just gently Tapping on eyebrows until brows have completed peeling.

Do not scratch, rub, or pick at your scabs as it will remove the implanted pigment underneath. It is very important  you allow scabbing to flake off by itself.

For best pigment retention, please avoid the following until your brows have completely healed:

– Prolonged direct sun exposure

– Tanning Beds

– Spray Tan

– Swimming/Chlorine water/Saltwater

– Make-up or products on eyebrows

– Sleeping on your side/face

– Excessive sweating from exercise/physical labor for at least 48 hours after treatment

– Excessive alcohol consumption for at least 48 hours after treatment
– Light therapies, chemical peelings, fruit acids, microdermabrasions, and creams that contain regeneration factors for 30 days.

– No Retinols, AHA’s, exfoliating and laser treatments, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, botox and any other strong treatments for 6-8 weeks after your procedure.

Please note: Smoking, sun exposure, excessive sweating, skin type (oily skin may cause implanted hair strokes to heal blurry), strong immune system and improper aftercare may cause the pigment to fade prematurely.

Only after no more scabbing may you resume your regular cleansing and makeup routine. Be sure to apply sunblock to protect from sun fading. You may resume your growth enhancement products (Latisse, Revitabrow, Grande Lash) after you are fully healed. The better you take care of the treated area and follow the provided aftercare, the better your results will be.

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